Snow shoeing in Konjushka Peak

Pristina District, Kosovo

General information


Snow shoeing in the peak of Konjusha, 2571m / lmd, this peak which is located in the Sharr mountains.
The peak of Konjusha is 2571 meters above sea level, while at the foot of this peak, is the glacial lake with highest attitude in Kosovo, 2410m / lmd.
Length of the trail: about 14 km (in both directions), meeting point and start of the trek from Prevalla from 1400m and snow shoeing up to 2500 m. Snow shoeing equipment is available from E-19. Sharr Mountains offer an unforgettable experience in all seasons.
Summer in hiking with visits to clean lakes and rivers, unique flora and fauna, while in winter with powder snow and in snow, we use ski touring or snow-shoeing.
The guides are certified and licensed in France in 2013 for outdoor activities, as well as for search and rescue.